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Letter: Carlisle latest far-right target

Jerry Fowler | The Sentinel

Oct 14, 2023

Citizens for Carlisle Schools, gives our community five strong reasons to turn out and vote! They are: Paula Bussard - foster care advocate, classroom volunteer, mom; Bruce Clash - youth crime prevention leader, dad; Joe Shane - chemistry teacher, community volunteer; George Stroud - dean of students, coach, mentor, dad; Jon Tarrant - retired teacher, grandparent.

It should come as no surprise that Carlisle’s School Board has become a target of far-right state and national organizations whose ultimate goal is to control local school district programming. One group, the Enola-based Take Back Our Schools has specifically zeroed in on Carlisle. Don’t take my word for it. Google them.

So what do they intend to take back? Their name is a “dog whistle” concealing their true intent. For starters, they portray their endorsed and recommended candidates as moderates who only want to increase transparency. Once elected, though, as suggested by other of their take-overs, districts will be inclined to impose oppressive cancel-culture agendas; including removal of books from school libraries, eliminating sophisticated educational opportunities, replacing them with white-washed versions of reality. As a result, students risk being denied the knowledge and tools to succeed in the world where they will spend most of their lives.

The Enola group’s website also refers to opponents of their ideologies as “godless” and uses the term “woke” as a pejorative for whatever the moment demands. Wittingly or unwittingly, their recommended candidates become part of a divisive national movement in opposition to the generations of parents, educators and board members (aka our neighbors) who have worked tirelessly to provide high-quality programs for all of our children.

It is easy to see where this is leading. Look no further than states like Florida, Texas or a few districts in Pennsylvania where they’ve made some inroads.

Fortunately, Citizens for Carlisle Schools, gives our community five strong reasons to turn out and vote! They are: Paula Bussard - foster care advocate, classroom volunteer, mom; Bruce Clash - youth crime prevention leader, dad; Joe Shane - chemistry teacher, community volunteer; George Stroud - dean of students, coach, mentor, dad; Jon Tarrant - retired teacher, grandparent.

Jerry Fowler

Former Carlisle Superintendent (1992-2004)

Read Jerry's letter

Citizens for Carlisle Schools

PO Box 886 | Carlisle, PA 17013

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