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Our Plan to Keep Carlisle Schools Strong
Citizens for Carlisle Schools

Carlisle schools are some of the best in Cumberland County, but we face tough challenges - pandemic learning losses, student mental health needs, and a looming teacher shortage. 

We need a school board with real plans - not political agendas -  to confront these challenges head on and keep our schools strong.

Click below to read our plans to improve our schools and put our students first.

Ensuring a quality education for all

"Herd Strong” is the District slogan designed to promote unity among the schools. Currently, different schools have different learning experiences. How will you help create a more cohesive, truly “Herd Strong” environment, so everyone is receiving the same educational experiences regardless of which school they attend?

Managing District finances

CASD acquired a budget surplus in 2021-2022 primarily due to the infusion of federal ESSER funding designed to ease the challenges schools faced during the COVID 19 pandemic. What financial challenges do you envision for the District when those funds are no longer available in 2024?

Attracting qualified teachers and staff

A majority of school districts in Pennsylvania report that staffing shortages are one of the most significant challenges facing public schools. In the District, class size is increasing putting greater pressure on teachers, causing some to leave the profession. What ideas do you have for attracting qualified teachers and support staff to address these shortages?

Improving graduation rates

In what ways can the CASD encourage struggling students to finish high school and better prepare students for further education or employment?

Fostering collaboration

Under the Pennsylvania Public School Code, school boards exercise the powers granted to govern their districts collectively. How will you foster a spirit of collaboration with your fellow board members as you serve the students, families, and taxpayers of the CASD?

Enhancing communication and transparency

Research shows that positive communication between school board members and the community creates trust between the two. What steps should the CASD Board take to enhance communication and promote transparency?

Expanding curriculum options

There is a finite amount of classroom instruction time and many competing demands about what to teach. Some argue that schools should concentrate more on STEM education, while others favor additional literature, writing, arts, and/or civics education. What areas of the CASD curriculum are you most proud of and where would you like to see the district invest more resources, time and energy?

Exploring the future of K-8 facilities

The CASD is in the process of reorganizing the elementary and middle school programs to balance class size, maximize the use of resources and improve efficiencies for students and staff. What do you view as the biggest challenge in implementing this reorganization?

Governing strategically

The Pennsylvania School Boards Association has advised that “school boards are most effective when they concentrate their time and energy on using the authority delegated to them to govern at the strategic level.” What is your understanding of what it means “to govern at a strategic level?” If elected to the School Board, what one or two issues would you want the Board to consider on day one?

Improving Special Education

With the increased enrollment of students identified with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and the resulting need for more specialized services, how will you ensure that the District complies with the requirement to provide appropriate services to these students while supporting overburdened general educators, special educators, and paraprofessionals? What improvements in special education should the District make so that it meets the needs of all students?

Addressing Student Mental Health

Seventy-one percent of school boards responding to a Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) survey this year said student mental health needs are one of the biggest problems facing public schools. How do you think the CASD should address these needs?

Watch the recorded live-stream of the CASD School Board Candidate Forum, hosted by American Association of University Women (AAUW) - Carlisle Chapter and League of Women Voters (LWV) - Pennsylvania Capital Region.  

October 23, 2023 | Carlisle High School

Citizens for Carlisle Schools

PO Box 886 | Carlisle, PA 17013

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