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Write a Letter to the Editor

The deadline to submit letters in advance of the November 7th election has passed.

Thank you to everyone who wrote letters in support of our candidates!   

Nov 5, 2023

An Open Letter to Carlisle Area School District Voters

All elections come down to a choice, and the one voters face on November 7th is between a school board governed by truth and experience, or one overrun with partisanship and political agendas.

An Open Letter to Carlisle Area School District Voters

Nov 4, 2023

Letter: Vote for diverse offerings

"As a school board member, I am committed to supporting a strong curriculum that builds basic skills, encourages innovative ideas and fosters a sense of belonging for all."

Letter: Vote for diverse offerings

Nov 4, 2023

Letter: Vote for Carlisle team

"The choice is clear. On Nov. 7, vote for Bussard, Clash, Shane, Stroud and Tarrant. We will put all children’s education needs first. We will respect all parents and our teachers. We will prudently use taxpayer resources to offer outstanding educational opportunities to all children in the community."

Letter: Vote for Carlisle team

Nov 4, 2023

Letter: Budgeting responsibly with candidate slate

"Careful financial management has enabled the board to keep tax increases to a minimum and below inflation for the last four years. The district maintains a pristine credit rating and a low debt load, which will allow us to construct a new school building and address K-8 program and learning needs with minimal impact to taxpayers."

Letter: Budgeting responsibly with candidate slate

Nov 4, 2023

Letter: Vote to support Carlisle Schools

"...with nonpartisan leadership focused on strong academic standards, smart budgets, good teachers and engaging parents, we will continue to strive for excellence."

Letter: Vote to support Carlisle Schools

Nov 1, 2023

Letter: Candidates focused on students

"I trust Bussard, Clash, Shane, Stroud and Tarrant and their plan to keep our district moving forward. "

Letter: Candidates focused on students

Nov 1, 2023

Letter: Support for Citizens for Carlisle Schools

"Paula Bussard, Bruce Clash, Joe Shane, George Stroud and Jon Tarrant are the Citizens for Carlisle Schools. Their years of dedicated service to educating children have proven their sincerity. They know that solving problems requires working together and, whatever the problem, they will be part of the solution. They get my vote."

Letter: Support for Citizens for Carlisle Schools

Nov 1, 2023

Letter: Vote for nonpartisan board

"School board races are supposed to be nonpartisan. Nonpartisan means you respect freedom of thought, speech, religion, etc., for all. You allow books to be read, opinions to be proffered and questions to be asked, then trust teachers and parents to guide kids in thinking about the ideas presented."

Letter: Vote for nonpartisan board

Nov 1, 2023

Letter: Vote for Citizens for Carlisle Schools

"Vote for Citizens for Carlisle Schools, Bussard, Clash, Shane, Stroud and Tarrant, to ensure a bright future for the children of Carlisle. They have the skills and the desire to get the job done."

Letter: Vote for Citizens for Carlisle Schools

Nov 1, 2023

Prioritize education over agendas

"I wholeheartedly trust and endorse Paula Bussard, Bruce Clash, Joe Shane, George Stroud and Jon Tarrant. Let's unite and champion a brighter future for our students."

Prioritize education over agendas

Nov 1, 2023

Letter: Voting for Citizens for Carlisle Schools

"On Nov. 7, we’re voting Bussard, Clash, Shane, Stroud and Tarrant for Carlisle Area School Board. They’ve earned our trust, and their plans will keep Carlisle schools strong."

Letter: Voting for Citizens for Carlisle Schools

Oct 30, 2023

Letter: Support nonpartisan candidates

"School boards should be nonpartisan. “Citizens for Carlisle Schools” is the only nonpartisan team for CASD. Paula Bussard, Bruce Clash, Joe Shane, George Stroud and Jon Tarrant can unite us. They bring decades of combined education and community experience."

Letter: Support nonpartisan candidates

Oct 27, 2023

Letter: Support for Citizens for Carlisle Schools

"Bussard, Clash, Shane, Stroud and Tarrant respect and trust teachers, they promote open communication and know how to work to bring cohesiveness to our community. They support parents’ involvement and engagement in their child’s education, they are committed to recruit and retain the best educators, and to focus on the tough aspects of today’s world for all students and all their needs."

Letter: Support for Citizens for Carlisle Schools

Oct 27, 2023

Letter: A real plan to improve our schools

"On Nov. 7, vote for Bussard, Clash, Shane, Stroud and Tarrant — they have a plan that will put our students first and keep politics out of our classrooms."

Letter: A real plan to improve our schools

Oct 21, 2023

Letter: Keep the board apolitical

It is vital that community members continue to advocate for true local control and keep the respect for quality teachers, administrators and support staff and, most important, provide the best possible education for all children.

Letter: Keep the board apolitical

Oct 21, 2023

Letter: Support for Citizens for Carlisle Schools

"The CASD board is focused on the success of its students and faculty and is open to hearing comments from our community. I fear the other slate of candidates seems focused on culture war issues that seek to divide and are less open to hearing other points of view. "

Letter: Support for Citizens for Carlisle Schools

Oct 21, 2023

Letter: Plans to address if elected

So, if elected, what will I actually do that will advance education in our district? I have two ideas that grow out of my experience as a science teacher and teacher educator.

Letter: Plans to address if elected

Oct 20, 2023

Letter: Group of candidates highly qualified

"Having worked as an educator in a nearby school district for 25 years, I can say that Carlisle is lucky to have such a dedicated, qualified group running for their school board. If I were putting together a school board all-star team, it’s the Citizens for Carlisle Schools."

Letter: Group of candidates highly qualified

Oct 14, 2023

Letter: Carlisle latest far-right target

Citizens for Carlisle Schools, gives our community five strong reasons to turn out and vote! They are: Paula Bussard - foster care advocate, classroom volunteer, mom; Bruce Clash - youth crime prevention leader, dad; Joe Shane - chemistry teacher, community volunteer; George Stroud - dean of students, coach, mentor, dad; Jon Tarrant - retired teacher, grandparent.

Letter: Carlisle latest far-right target

Oct 14, 2023

Letter: Vote for school community candidates

Your choice is a team of residents who represent politically influenced ideas or a team of genuinely caring volunteers whose sole goal is to maintain and improve our local school community. The caretakers of our schools should be Bussard, Shane, Tarrant, Clash and Stroud.

Letter: Vote for school community candidates

Oct 14, 2023

Letter: Board needs to support teachers

On Nov. 7 we can protect our schools and our children’s opportunities by voting for a team of experienced educators and public servants who will maintain the high morale of teachers in our district, and preserve the breadth and depth of the educational opportunities open to students. Vote for Bussard, Clash, Shane, Stroud and Tarrant. Schools are at the heart of a community – and they protect the future of a community, including property values.

Letter: Board needs to support teachers

Oct 13, 2023

Letter: Keep politics out of schools

Our children need to be prepared for the real world, which demands skills in science, mathematics, humanities and critical thinking. Don’t be fooled by those injecting politics into our schools. Vote for Bussard, Shane, Tarrant, Clash and Stroud.

Letter: Keep politics out of schools

Sep 30, 2023

Letter: Vote for non-partisan board

I am a Republican currently serving on the Carlisle School Board and will be casting my votes for members of Citizens for Carlisle Schools.

Letter: Vote for non-partisan board

Sep 30, 2023

Letter: Ignore misleading information

Focusing on strong academics, smart budgets, good teachers and engaging parents in their children’s education is how every student will have the best chance to succeed.

Letter: Ignore misleading information

Sep 20, 2023

Letter: Let’s not open the door to extremists in our schools

Certain political forces have seized upon schools for their own power and gain — not the well-being of children, youth, and educators. Let’s think beyond party — and make sure we don’t miss out on devoted service and open the door to extremism in our schools.

Letter: Let’s not open the door to extremists in our schools

Citizens for Carlisle Schools

PO Box 886 | Carlisle, PA 17013

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