Citizens for Carlisle Schools

Lisa & Wilfred Brousse | The Sentinel
Nov 1, 2023
"On Nov. 7, we’re voting Bussard, Clash, Shane, Stroud and Tarrant for Carlisle Area School Board. They’ve earned our trust, and their plans will keep Carlisle schools strong."
As parents/foster parents of six children who attended Carlisle area schools, we see first-hand the value a CASD education holds for our kids, and the reputation our district has for serving all students, especially those with special needs.
As educators who worked in Carlisle schools for over a decade — as a special education teacher and a middle/high school principal — we feel strongly that parents and teachers should work together to help our kids learn and succeed. Politics has no place in our classrooms.
Voters have a clear choice in the Nov. 7 school board election — Citizens for Carlisle Schools, a nonpartisan team with practical plans to improve our schools and put our students first, or "Team for Change," partisan candidates backed by national political groups pushing an agenda that will divide our community and risks our kids' futures. We find meddling of these outside groups in our elections to be concerning and problematic.
Like us, Paula Bussard, Bruce Clash, Joe Shane, George Stroud and Jon Tarrant are themselves local parents, educators and taxpayers with years of experience working with children in our community. They have pride in our schools and our kids. They will prioritize academic excellence over partisan politics to give our students the skills they need to succeed. They will promote transparency and communication between the school board and taxpayers, and never embarrass or divide our community with partisan bickering and gridlock. That’s the Carlisle way. See for yourself what their plans are at
On Nov. 7, we’re voting Bussard, Clash, Shane, Stroud and Tarrant for Carlisle Area School Board. They’ve earned our trust, and their plans will keep Carlisle schools strong.
Lisa & Wilfred Brousse
Retired CASD special education teacher and high/middle school principal
Read Lisa & Wilfred's