Citizens for Carlisle Schools

Laura Rumley
Oct 13, 2023
Our children need to be prepared for the real world, which demands skills in science, mathematics, humanities and critical thinking. Don’t be fooled by those injecting politics into our schools. Vote for Bussard, Shane, Tarrant, Clash and Stroud.
Carlisle is a nice town in a beautiful area with good public schools. In the 20-plus years I’ve lived here, the schools have been led by a school board comprised of community members — parents, grandparents, former teachers; Democrats, Republicans and independents — who shared an interest in ensuring quality public education for everyone.
I was talking to one of my children, who attended Carlisle schools from elementary school to graduation, about the current school board election and the accusations CASD Team for Change is leveling at the school board. I told my kid about how, out of nowhere, there’s a slate of candidates saying that the school board and teachers have some liberal political agenda aimed at indoctrinating students. My child was confused by this. “The schools aren’t political. I was taught to think and consider all sides of an issue. I had teachers who were Republicans, who were Democrats, and many who weren’t aligned with any party.”
So, what is CASD Team for Change talking about? Answer: they were recruited by local politicians and are supported by national right-wing groups who have a very clear political agenda. CASD Team for Change’s talking points are straight out of the Moms for Liberty and 1776 Project’s playbook. These groups aim to ban books contrary to their worldview; discriminate against gay and transgender children and eliminate curriculum that they don’t agree with. Supporters advocate privatizing schools to suit their politics. Their ultimate goal is to gut public education altogether.
Is this what we want for our kids? I don’t. Our children need to be prepared for the real world, which demands skills in science, mathematics, humanities and critical thinking. Don’t be fooled by those injecting politics into our schools. Vote for Bussard, Shane, Tarrant, Clash and Stroud.
Laura Rumley
Read Laua's letter