Citizens for Carlisle Schools

Paula Bussard | The Sentinel
Nov 4, 2023
"The choice is clear. On Nov. 7, vote for Bussard, Clash, Shane, Stroud and Tarrant. We will put all children’s education needs first. We will respect all parents and our teachers. We will prudently use taxpayer resources to offer outstanding educational opportunities to all children in the community."
There is a clear choice in the November Carlisle Area School Board election between individuals who will put students’ educational needs first, respect both parents and teachers and work to unite the community, and those who want to pursue a political agenda in public education.
Paula Bussard, Bruce Clash, Joe Shane, George Stroud and Jon Tarrant are parents, educators and community volunteers who have demonstrated their commitment to serve all the children living in the Carlisle area.
Actions speak louder than words. We have demonstrated action:
Making academic improvement and improved graduation rates as a priority for the district superintendent and her team.
Respecting teachers as educational professionals and engaging them in curriculum development and strategic planning.
Increasing transparency of information on the district website so that all financial information (budgets, capital reserves, audits, contracts, etc.) is available for public review.
Increasing information being provided to parents and guardians through email, texts and videos and welcoming their input on school issues.
Enabling parents to make decisions regarding their child’s access to books and programs.
Keeping tax increases below inflation and prudently managing facility resources.
Maintaining competitive salaries for teachers and other professionals so that our district is able to recruit and retain high quality teachers and staff.
Carlisle is a wonderfully diverse community as reflected in our schools. Each child and each family should feel welcome and supported in the schools. Our goal is to prepare all students for college, the workforce or the military.
The choice is clear. On Nov. 7, vote for Bussard, Clash, Shane, Stroud and Tarrant. We will put all children’s education needs first. We will respect all parents and our teachers. We will prudently use taxpayer resources to offer outstanding educational opportunities to all children in the community.
Paula Bussard
Candidate for Carlisle Area School Board
Read Paula's letter