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Letter: Keep partisan politics out of board

Paula Bussard | The Sentinel

Apr 28, 2023

"The May 16 Carlisle School Board election is the most important local election the community has seen. We know what happens in communities to the quality of education when partisan division and hateful rhetoric takes over school boards. Students suffer."

The May 16 Carlisle School Board election is the most important local election the community has seen. We know what happens in communities to the quality of education when partisan division and hateful rhetoric takes over school boards. Students suffer.

Parents in the school district have said they value their children’s teachers and schools and the breadth of academic, career and technical, and arts and humanities courses that are offered. Parents appreciate increased communication by the district and that our schools welcome and support all students.

I am proud of the progress Carlisle schools are making so that all 5,200 students are learning to their full potential by adding summer programs, staff to provide needed learning support, and staff to help address student mental health needs.

The Carlisle School Board has invested wisely in facilities and technology to make sure students and teachers have up-to-date and safe buildings. The board has managed financial resources prudently so that the district can strengthen elementary education programs and facilities to meet the community’s growing student population.

Finally, the board recognizes that recruiting and retaining high quality teachers is essential. We are proud that our turnover of staff is lower than many other districts and our teachers are actively engaged in improving student academic performance.

These are the issues on which a board should focus, rather than on insulting teachers or stoking partisan fears about issues that are not problems in Carlisle.

Bruce Clash, Jon Tarrant, Jerry Eby, Joe Shane and I are committed to putting students first, respecting parents and teachers, and uniting the community to provide the best education for our children. On May 16, vote for board members that will govern by experience and truth, not candidates focused on politics and chaos.

Paula Bussard

Dickinson Township


Citizens for Carlisle Schools

PO Box 886 | Carlisle, PA 17013

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