Citizens for Carlisle Schools
Christopher Martin | The Sentinel
Apr 21, 2023
"Carlisle SD is excellent and getting better because of its students, faculty, staff and the student-focused, politics-be-damned leadership efforts of Paula Bussard, Bruce Clash, Gerald Eby and Jon Tarrant. Joe Shane will be a stellar addition, too - always out to make Carlisle better."
I’ve been thinking about the upcoming primary; it seems like not a big deal, but it is.
A group of candidates is running together, some cross-filed on Democratic and Republican ballots, calling themselves “The Team for Change.” Recently one wrote an editorial about how Carlisle’s schools are not seen as assets. That’s false, and we all know it. By and large, our community celebrates our schools.
I teach in another district. I’m proud of what we do, but I look jealously at many things Carlisle does for students. I’m profoundly thankful for my children’s experiences with excellent teachers, administrators and (yes!) school board members in Carlisle.
What does Carlisle have that’s so special? How about a fully integrated vo-tech program, achievements in academic competitions across the state, extensive AP offerings, and full arts, STEM, FCS curricula? What about a Shakespeare troupe, performance club for poets and musicians, improv comedy troupe, great theater? Highly competitive quiz bowl teams at its middle schools and its high school sound good? Award-winning journalism? Nationally awarded Model United Nations? Year after year of regional, state and national competitors at National History Day? Nationally-recognized, highly-qualified faculty? Carlisle has all of that right now.
Carlisle SD is excellent and getting better because of its students, faculty, staff and the student-focused, politics-be-damned leadership efforts of Paula Bussard, Bruce Clash, Gerald Eby and Jon Tarrant. Joe Shane will be a stellar addition, too - always out to make Carlisle better.
Give these great leaders your vote to continue and build upon the great things we have.
And don’t forget, you can’t acknowledge any of that if your goal is to oust a successful school board. Blume & Co. are a team for change alright - destroying a thriving school district so that they can further their extremist, phobic agenda.
Christopher Martin