Citizens for Carlisle Schools
Linda Manning | The Sentinel
May 5, 2023
"I have seen firsthand how important the school district is to preparing young people who come from more economically challenged backgrounds for success in life. I am proud to serve on the school board with individuals who care about putting the needs of students first and who have supported Carlisle Victory Circle’s programs."
l am a graduate of Carlisle High School and will be completing 28 years on the Carlisle Area School District Board. I am a co-founder of the Carlisle Victory Circle, whose mission is to challenge middle and high school students from diverse backgrounds to prepare for their future through education and character development. I will be voting for Paula Bussard, Bruce Clash, Jerry Eby, Joe Shane and Jon Tarrant in the upcoming May 16 primary election.
Carlisle Victory Circle works with Dickinson College, the YWCA, Hope Station, Shippensburg University and Dickinson College to help Carlisle students gain an appreciation of opportunities for academic achievement.
I have seen firsthand how important the school district is to preparing young people who come from more economically challenged backgrounds for success in life. I am proud to serve on the school board with individuals who care about putting the needs of students first and who have supported Carlisle Victory Circle’s programs.
I am proud to work with administrators and teachers who recognize the diverse needs of the more than 5,200 students we serve, and who have devoted their careers to helping students and families benefit from the many programs the district offers. Their support for the students participating in the Carlisle Victory Circle has made a dramatic difference in young people’s lives.
On May 16, please vote for a strong future for the children living in our community. Vote for Bussard, Clash, Eby, Shane and Tarrant, who want to keep the board’s focus on students, parents and teachers, and not on causing division and chaos. They know our community and our families. They listen. They volunteer in the schools and the community. They celebrate student accomplishments. These are the leaders our children deserve!"
Linda Manning
Linda is a co-founder of the Carlisle Victory Circle, a board member with the Carlisle Area School District and a member of the Carlisle Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Committee