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Letter: Vote for nonpartisan group

Erin Markan | The Sentinel

May 10, 2023

"On May 16, I am voting for the only nonpartisan ticket — Bussard, Clash, Eby, Shane and Tarrant. Because my child’s educational success should not depend on which party I belong to."

Twenty-seven years ago, I left Carlisle for “greener pastures.” After living in multiple states and after having several children, we returned home.

In response to Walt Brown’s letter to the editor, I am a registered Democrat and I am concerned about test scores, but probably not for the same reason as Mr. Brown. I am a parent of a student with an individual education plan (IEP). My son was diagnosed with dyslexia during kindergarten in New Jersey. Despite being in a school district that was considered “great,” my son slid through without learning to read or write.

When we moved back to Carlisle, I was ready for a fight. I was ready to do whatever it took to help my bright child learn to read and find success. To my surprise and relief, I didn’t have to fight. Despite being during the pandemic, the CASD administration and my son’s teachers, supported by its nonpartisan board, created a plan to help my child learn. They focused on my son’s personal challenges.

Tomorrow I am attending my son’s last elementary school IEP meeting, and this will be the meeting where they will tell me my son is reading on grade level.

So, I am concerned about test scores. But I am more concerned about learning. Not all kids can take a test. Not all kids have the same foundations—socially, economically or educationally—to succeed the same way as their peers. Although my son entered this district well-below grade level, Carlisle, with an emphasis on special education and intervention, has brought him up to be “proficient.”

On May 16, I am voting for the only nonpartisan ticket — Bussard, Clash, Eby, Shane and Tarrant. Because my child’s educational success should not depend on which party I belong to.

Erin Markan



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