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Letter: Allow children to think critically

Debra Cornelius | The Sentinel

Apr 21, 2023

"This election on May 16 will determine the makeup of the Carlisle Area School Board. Personally, I want people on that board who will uphold the key ingredient to success for our kids – the ability to think critically."

Do you want to help our children succeed in life? I am a retired professor with 30 years of experience, and I can tell you how you can give a child a huge boost to a successful future, no matter what their path. It doesn’t cost a single penny but it may require some courage on your part. The ingredient for success is the ability of kids to think their way through any situation using valid evidence, gathered by people who are experts in their field. Let’s say you need a filling in your tooth. Do you go to your plumber for help? Do you ask your kindly neighbor who goes to your church? Personally, I’d go to a dentist who has education, training and experience. And to avoid pain and money wasted, so would you! This election on May 16 will determine the makeup of the Carlisle Area School Board. Personally, I want people on that board who will uphold the key ingredient to success for our kids – the ability to think critically. That means they will read and learn things that may be outside of your comfort zone. But allowing them to absorb that information and make decisions based on the evidence of experts is the only way that they will truly succeed in their futures. So I am asking you to vote for this bipartisan slate of candidates for school board: Bussard, Clash, Eby, Shane, Tarrant. Write down the names and take them with you to the polls. Our children’s future is at stake in this election. Please safeguard it by ensuring that our schools are places that allow our kids to grow in knowledge, expression and problem solving. I trust Bussard, Clash, Eby, Shane and Tarrant to safeguard those freedoms without politics or propaganda.

Debra Cornelius



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